Provide a

Only 6.7% of the world’s population possess a college degree, and this statistic is significantly influenced by economic challenges.

Nelson Mendoza

First Project RED’s scholarship recipient to graduate from university.

In El Salvador, a developing country, access to higher education is often limited to the upper class. Financial aid is not a common practice, leaving many students unable to pursue their academic aspirations.

By providing qualifying students with scholarships and educational support, we are truly helping to break the cycle of poverty. Your donations empower these individuals and can change the trajectory of their families for generations to come.

Our dedicated social workers conduct thorough assessments of families to determine the type of assistance needed. Key factors considered include:

Economic Situation: Understanding the family’s financial stability.

Educational Requirements: Identifying what type of education each student needs.

Cognitive Abilities: Recognizing the unique learning needs of each child.

Travel Distance: Evaluating how far a child must travel to access the nearest school.

Academic Performance: Reviewing current grades and the student’s motivation to continue their education.


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